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It’s Black Friday and not a minute too soon!  Or wait–is it too soon?

People ask that question every year.  Is Christmas pushing its way into Thanksgiving?  Creeping in on Halloween?  I don’t know about you, but I found it odd to walk the aisles of my nearby Lowes Home Improvement store where ghosts and ghouls littered the one side, while Santa and his reindeer pranced along the other.

Odd.  It was a tangle of confusion, resistance.  I was having a hard enough time as it was dealing with the fact that October was halfway over, let alone I had to start thinking about Christmas!

But what’s a gal to do–other than leave the kids at home when she goes shopping anywhere this time of year?

“Mom, can we get some more candy?”

“Because you didn’t get enough, traipsing through the streets the other night?”

“Can we buy some pumpkin pie?”

“Don’t you think you ate enough over the last three nights?  I know I did!”

“Mom–we NEED that ginormous Santa Claus balloon decoration for the front yard.  Can we get it?”

Are you kidding me?”