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My Ereader is Spying on Me.

Did you know that your ereader is spying on you?  To put it more delicately, reading you?  Were you aware that it can report back to its base of operations how often you open a book, finish a book, where you lose interest, what passages you highlight, which ones you read again and again? From an author’s point of view it presents an interesting prospect.  Do readers rush through romances? Do they read sex scenes over and over?  Are they skimming through detail and which detail–heavy back story, monotonous dialogue? Do they continually check back with the prologue for story reference, proving it crucial to the story?  Is it true that you lose readers in the middle, bogged down by mundane scenes, a loss in direction? Technology is amazing. I know I’ve said it a hundred times if I’ve said it once, but it’s true.  Technology is incredible in its capability and I shudder and tremble to think where it will be in another generation.  (Shudder and tremble in a good way, like I’m “all a twitter,” titillated and energized!) :) And talk about incredible, have you heard about the Kindle Fire chat feature? Huh?  The chat feature.  You know, the one where you can chat with a community of readers–even the author–as you work through a book? Really? Yep.  Tap your screen and head for the bubble icon.  You can comment, follow a thread of comments, and from what I understand, even have it post to your Twitter and Facebook accounts! I first saw this implemented on CutterWelderMaestro blog and Wow.  While I appreciate the brainiacs and their contribution to my ability to communicate globally in the blink of an eye, the phenomenal digital quality to my photos, the ease of editing and publishing, I’m not sure I want them peering over my shoulder when I read a book.  Or search the web, for that matter.  My husband likes that feature, the mysterious “they” who target him with relevant ads based on his search history.  But he’s a no-nonsense kinda guy and appreciates anything that can be streamlined, tailored to his needs.  Me? Not so much.  While I enjoy the benefits of said technology, the influx of Gap ads, the clearance sales, the suggested reading list to fill my library, the libertarian in me balks.  I value my freedom and granted its dwindled over the last century, I still feel as though I’m in control.  I decide where I go on the internet, I decide where to vacation, which clothes to buy.  As much as I value marketing groups and appreciate their help in the business field, I don’t want to feel like a mouse in a maze. How about you? Do you welcome the advances in technology, even if they feel somewhat intrusive?  Or do you shy away from anything that invades your privacy, in fact, you just so happen to have the ACLU on speed dial… Technology vs. Privacy.  That is the question.  Inquiring minds want to know!

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