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I’m all for composting and recycling. If you’ve ever visited my garden blog, BloominThyme, you know I’m an active composter and reuse all kinds of things–old coffee, newspaper, bread ties–you name it, I’ll reuse it if I can. But having the compost police rummaging through my garbage?

I’m not sure I would like someone going through my garbage cans. It just feels weird. Fortunately, I don’t have to endure this sort of interrogation, but it seems some Seattle residents do. They have regulations that dictate garbage containing more than 10% of items that could have otherwise been recycled or composted, will be subject to fines come January. (ACK!!)

 compost turn

I’m not alone in my distaste for this situation. Some Seattle residents are suing over the new “trash police” traveling their neighborhoods, citing privacy violations. While the city says employees are not permitted to dig through your garbage, residents complain they have no recourse against unlawful snooping.

Huh. Not sure my Silver Creek heroines would take kindly to such “manhandling” of their green ethics, though all would undoubtedly pass muster. :) (My family might not.)

But what do you think? Has the city of Seattle gone too far in their quest for a “good thing?”

Read story here.

This weekend I participated in my local Art in the Garden tour and I’m glad I did.  Not only was I fortunate enough to spend the day in this garden…

But I met lots of new people, learned several garden tips as well as shared a few of my own–even sold a few books in the process!  Call it a new spin on an old concept, but this was a book signing for me and I couldn’t have chosen a better location.  Not only is the entire lawn as gorgeous as what you see above, but it felt like I could have been sitting in Jennifer’s Garden.

Fountain reminds you of Jax, doesn’t it? :)

It did me!  And might I add, it was a welcome reminder–that man is hot AND sweet!  But I digress (as often happens when I’m discussing my delightful heroes).  My appreciation for assignment to this perfect setting goes to the garden tour hostess Blondine and homeowner of this lush space, Beth.  Mind you this was only one of the magnificent homes on the tour.  There were almost a dozen to visit, including a local farm where guests received a sample of homegrown wine.  Growing grapes on the farm, are we?

In addition to my books and garden boxes (stay tuned to my garden blog BloominThyme and subscribe for more details on these beauties), visitors to this particular garden could choose from an array of colorful paintings, courtesy of Jan, shown below.

Her work is wonderful and fit in quite nicely with her surroundings. 

For more photos of this lovely yard, head on over to my photo gallery and enjoy!  It is truly incredible.